Sunday, May 15, 2016

Gynecological Cancer Symptoms that Should Never Be Ignored

A majority of people who die from medical complications could have been saved. This is only if they had had the issues diagnosed well in advance. A good number of young, vibrant women lose their lives to cancer every single year. This is because the cancers were diagnosed at their advanced stages. This makes them difficult to treat. Female cancers such as breast, cervical and ovarian cancers are among the leading causes of death in women today. This is why it is important to seek the services that holistic gynecology NYC has to offer.
Gynecology is one of the most sensitive forms of medical care. Generally, medical care is a sensitive field because you will be dealing with people's issues and secrets and their lives are in your hands. Gynecology involves assessing the most secret aspects of an individual. These medical practitioners want to know about your sex life and sometimes even your sexual orientation. They are going to be dealing with the most intimate parts of your body. This is not easy for most patients but then it is important.

Cancer symptoms that must be addressed

Breast cancer is probably one of the easiest to detect. In fact, you might be able to detect it on your own at home. When you feel a lump in your breasts, then you need to be checked instantly. The checkup will reveal what kind of lumps are present; are they cancerous orbenign? It is worth mentioning that not all breast lumps are cancerous. This is why it is important to seek the care of your gynecologist. They are in a better position to advise you on what needs to be done next. Lumps in the breast however need to be treated as medical emergencies.

Between-period bleeding is never normal. Therefore, when you pay a visit to your doctor, you should notify them if you are spotting between them. Bleeding that comes about and is not as a result of your usual monthly cycle can be caused by so many factors. What you want your doctor to do is rule out the possibility of endometrial cancer- cancer of the uterine lining. If you are bleeding after menopause, then you should be checked as well.

With the best holistic gynecology NYC has to offer, you will not get pap smears and some other painful cancer diagnostic methods done on you. They are going to be checking for skin changes as well. Moles on the skin and some other spots are a common sign of skin cancer. Women are more prone to skin cancers than men are. This is because of cosmetics that are used by women. Holistic gynecology does not focus only on the reproductive health; they take into consideration the general health of the individual. When that mole on your skin changes in shape, size or color, then that could probably be cancer and you do not want to wait for it.

Another symptom that you should not ignore is abdominal pain that makes it hard to walk. There is the abdominal pain that comes with menstrual cramps, but then there is also that one that comes with cervical cancer and other gynecological cancers. If you have a persistent pain in your abdominal region, you might want to pay a visit to your gynecologist as soon as possible.


Keeping in touch with your gynecologist is one of the best things that you can do for yourself as a woman. There are ob-gyn clinics that are offering 24 hour urgent care in the event that you have a gynecological emergency. You simply need to get to the clinic and you will receive the medical treatment that you need.